Seraphim Blueprint Spring Newsletter
Dear [[First Name, "Friend"]]
Some migrating wood ducks decided to check out our pond. What a thrill to see them play. They came back a second day, and then continued on their travels.
The second volume of Seraphic Prize short stories is now with the publisher waiting to be copy-edited for publication. I have a really cute title for the book, but keeping it a secret for now.
A few months ago we asked Melinda Hotho, a Seraphim Blueprint Teacher from Texas, to be our Social Media Coordinator. She has a background in corporate public relations, and I think she is perfectly suited to the post. See her update below about her research into new social media platforms. Some of us recognize the problems with our old social media platforms, others not so much.
Alexandra von Waaden, from Melinda's same Teacher-Training Course (TTC) last year, is actively teaching in several countries. She has a home in California, is originally from Germany, and is building a healing center and organic farm in Sri Lanka. I asked her to tell us about her recent life-changing travels. (see below)
Turkey continues to churn out new Seraphim Blueprint Teachers. At last count there were 77 Teachers in Turkey, and the only Teacher in Sweden, Dilsat Pinar, is from Turkey, and we have a Turkish Cypriot Teacher in London.
Reminder to all Teachers: You now have a new, easy ability to enter your future courses on the Worldwide Calendar page of the Seraphim Blueprint website. I emailed you a few weeks ago with a special link to do this, and you don't even have to sign in to the website to get this happening. Alesia Lloyd of Fullpartner.com is ready, and waiting to help you post your courses to the site. It will be very impressive once more of you do so.
Let's Open the World Now! ♥ Ruth Rendely
From Our New Social Media Maven - Melinda Hotho
With a goal of introducing Seraphim Blueprint to a larger audience, we are in the process of creating a presence on a few different social media sites. Facebook will remain as a placeholder, with lots of specialized accounts, but our main messaging is moving elsewhere. Some sites under consideration are Gab, MeWe, Telegram, Parler, and Locals. Ongoing research will continue as we find all the best social media platforms. Seraphim Blueprint currently has a profile page on Facebook (although hidden), Gab and MeWe. If you should know of a good social media platform, please do share with me (mhotho@gmail.com). More updates to come!
My Travels and Adventures
Alexandra von Waaden
At the beginning of last year I decided to spend three months in Sri Lanka, because I felt drawn to the energy and beauty of the land, the Buddhist traditions, and the ancient history of Ceylon.
After almost half of my stay there, Corona/Covid 19 started spreading around the world, and Colombo Airport closed to international travel. Because of that, I was "stuck" on this paradise-like island. Not the worse place to get stuck I thought, but even in a third-world country the government imposed a rolling five-day curfew. Groceries stores could open for one day, and then be shuttered for five days. And these curfews were really strict. No travel between districts, we were not allowed to leave our house, etc. I used the time in my little sanctuary to look deeper, lots of meditation time, and time to use the Seraphic energies a lot. After about six weeks the curfews ended, and I was able to visit other places on the island. By the end of May after five months there, I was able to fly back to California, not knowing how everything would be back home. My flight via London was smooth, and felt like I was on a private jet with about 25 other passengers in a big plane. Going through U.S. Immigrations and Customs was a piece of cake; it took maybe 5 minutes, and the officer didn't really want to talk to me much, just waved me through. After coming home I traveled to North Carolina to take the Seraphim Blueprint Teacher Training with Ruth. Everything was easy, just some flight cancellations, but I made it there and back. So absolutely grateful for that. By the end of August I felt a pull to return to Sri Lanka and make a stopover in Germany, my home country. Again flying there was great since the planes were still not fully booked, and at my arrival airport in Frankfurt I had to take my first PCR test. Not a pleasant experience, but one that was mandatory if I didn't want to go into a 14-day quarantine.
My plan was to stay for one month, teach some classes, and then continue to Sri Lanka. But the Sri Lanka government decided to not open the Colombo Airport, forcing me to stay longer in Germany. I was lucky that during that time all the stores were open again, and I even went for one week to Italy with some friends, even though officially the borders were supposed to be closed. We were able to pass through Austria into Italy with no problems.
Finally, by the end of January tourists were allowed back into Sri Lanka, and so I booked my flight for the 22nd of February, and made it back to this magical island. In Sri Lanka it feels like covid doesn't really exist. The only restrictions are to wear a mask (or not), and they have washing facilities outside of the bigger stores. I'm very happy to be back, and already attended a traditional Kali Puja (ceremony), where I was given the opportunity to walk over hot coals, which I did, and participate in this all-night celebration of the goddess Kali and Shiva. When I feel the need to travel and be present on different continents, even this crazy worldwide pandemic can't stop me. With the help of the SERAPH everything is possible.
Seraphic Light Course Training with Tom Rigler Continues
This is an advanced workshop for those who have completed all six Levels of the Blueprint. It gives you access to two new energies of light, dimension and consciousness. It is a two-day workshop separated by a week. Several classes have recently been completed, and the final dates for Japanese training are soon to be decided.
Tom is also leading an Intergalactic Safe Haven Meditation on the second Wednesday of every month, at 11:30 am Eastern (U.S.), and again at 8:30 pm Eastern. This meditation is for graduates of Level V. Please contact Tom for either the Seraphic Light Course, or the Safe Haven Meditation.
Ruth's Spring Teacher Training Schedule
Ruth is facilitating two separate Teacher Training Courses (TTC), one for Americans and English-speakers, and one for Turkish students, with Ozden Oke translating. The American course is scheduled for April 12th - 15th (Levels I - IV). The Turkish course is scheduled for May 11th to 15th, Levels IV - VI. It is still possible to apply for either of these courses. Both courses will be taught in person in North Carolina. Please contact Ruth by replying to this email.
Learning to Drive
David Archuleta Sings Waymaker
Seraphim Blueprint Courses
Seraphic Tour of the Solar System
Seraphic Tour of the Galaxy
Seraphim Healing Advanced
Guardians of Gaia
Co-Creation with Gaia
Seraphim Blueprint Fusion
Seraphic Light
Seraphim Aqua Dynamics
Divine Biosphere
Seraphim Blueprint Teacher-Training