Dear {*{{{request.stUser.firstName}}~*~}*}
I have often told Teachers that there could come a time when we would no longer be able to train together, or even be able to communicate worldwide. So right now we are lucky that the Seraph can transmit the energies to wherever we are, on subtle levels of consciousness. And since 2020 is the 25th anniversary of the Seraph’s teaching in our lifetimes, I am happy to announce a celebratory series of workshops (teleconferences), in which I will facilitate all initiations of the six Seraphim Blueprint Levels, so that any student who has previously completed those Levels will be able to experience my teaching. This will be the only time that I do this overlay series. Each workshop will be four hours, with a break in the middle. This will be offered in English (although Alex plans to provide key points in other languages online). Each session of the first five Levels will cost $45, and Level VI will have two 3-hour sessions at a cost of $39 each. These sessions will count as repeats for potential Teachers who need that requirement to attend Teacher-Training. See all the dates for these courses below, and you can start to register for the first couse on May 16th with this link.
Note: Since many of you are housebound, now is the perfect time to write your first, or second, short story for the Seraphic Prize contest, which has a new deadline (see below).
Meanwhile, I will share recent personal events that may contain a moral for our uncertain times. The story began a year and a half ago, when one of my cousins called to say that the Israeli government sent him a letter telling us that our grandfather purchased property in Israel in the 1920s. Since my grandfather died in 1970, we were wondering why it took so long to contact us, and was this some kind of scam?! Our family had told us nothing about such property. I showed interest in following up, and thus began the laborious process involving birth certificates, death certificates and various forms of certification, which took about nine months to satisfy the Israeli government that we were indeed the descendants of my grandfather. It was only then that they told us the address of this property, which was a quarter-acre block in the town of Migdal (Mary Magdalene's birthplace), on the Sea of Galilee. I was ecstatic! So in pursuant of this development, and my strong interest in where this would lead, Ron and I decided to go to Israel this March to see grandpa’s land. We almost went in January before the coronavirus scare was so intense, but I had decided I wanted to go in warmer weather, so we bought tickets for March flights, via a stopover in London. Well, the whole experience was one great excercise in manifesting! First, getting to London, we almost missed the flight on March 9th. (Apologies to Floridians, but your roads are one huge parking lot.) We made our flight by one minute. I started to wonder whether we should be on the plane, or not? Then by the next day in London, I heard from our pet-sitter in Florida that Israel was closing its borders to all Americans, who would immediately have to go into a 14-day quarantine. But then I read online there was a 72-hour grace period. So I called El Al (Israeli airlines), and they strongly suggested that we move our flight up one day, which we could do. But still with hourly changes, we didn’t know what the airline would say at the airport. Sure enough, at the El Al check-in, the attendant said: “Sorry, but if you go to Israel, you will be in a two-week quarantine, and you must stay with relatives, not be in a hotel.” I said we couldn’t do that, but had been told by an El Al agent that we could go that particular day to avoid the quarantine. The agent said,”Let’s talk with the manager just over there”. So we all went to the El Al manager, and I immediately told him: “We are not going to Israel for tourism, but mainly to see my grandfather’s land that he purchased in Migdal 100 years ago.” The manager, replied: “I am sorry, but this is the wrong time to go to Israel. Your tickets are completely refundable, or you can schedule another trip through February of next year, at no additional cost. Besides you won’t have a good time in Israel if you go now.” I looked at Ron and since this appeared to be final, we left the counter, and I said to Ron, “Let’s find someplace to sit down, as I can’t think standing up.” There were no nearby empty seats, so we walked about 150 yards away to a coffee kiosk inside the airport, and Ron ordered some hot chocolates while we sat and discussed alternative holiday plans. We finished our hot chocolates, but still hadn’t reached any conclusions, when suddenly I saw in the distance the El Al manager walking slowly in our direction, and when he got to us, he said: “I called Border Security in Israel, and they are making an exception in your case. You can fly on this flight without going into quarantine in Israel.” He couldn’t even see us from the El Al counter before approaching us! It felt completely in the Seraph's control! At that point I knew we were destined to have a good time in Israel, and our whole trip thereafter was a series of miracles, as Israel and the world shut down. We got to grandpa's plot with the roads free of traffic, and ventured into the odd spiritual site that was still open, but free of visitors. Ron walked alone into the inner tomb of Christ in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the day before the Israeli government closed the church, for the first time since 1349. Our flights home held, and we were on the last El Al flight leaving Israel for London!
The Moral: When facing turbulent times, keep the imagery of the goal in mind. Besides reaching your destination, you may have some great memories to chuckle about.
Standing on grandfather's land looking towards town of Migdal
It's Time to Be a Spiritual Warrior ♥ Ruth Rendely
For 25th Anniversary, Ruth Teaches Students Again
The following are the dates for all six Levels she will teach (begining at 10 am Eastern)
Seraphim Healing, Level 1 May 16, 2020
Seraphim Sacred Geometry, Level II, June 20, 2020
Seraphim Manifestation, Level III, July 18, 2020
Seraphim Cosmic Splenfor, Level IV, August 15, 2020
Seraphim Planetary Healing, Level V, September 19, 2020
Seraphim Grace & Union, October 10 & 17, 2020
The 2020 Short Story Seraphic Prize
New Submission deadline: August 31, 2020
In November of 2020, the second Seraphic Prize will be awarded to members of the general public who compose the best spiritual short story (fictional account), or non-fiction account, with the optional mention of angels. Seraphim Alliance will then publish a collection of up to fifteen stories in a volume to be published in 2021.
Individual entries are limited to 3,333 words, which is a little more than thirteen pages, of 250 words per page.