Seraph Symbol for Newsletter

Seraphim Blueprint
Winter Newsletter

Smaller Version of When Angels Make House Calls

Dear {*{{{request.stUser.firstName}}~*~}*}

      I am sending this out a bit earlier than usual, because I couldn't contain my excitement about our new book above just published on November 24th. This book contains 14 wonderful short stories and a lovely poem by Andrew Ramer. You can now order it at your local bookstore, or through Amazon for holiday gift-giving. (Amazon even has a note on the page saying: Arrives before Christmas. A few days ago I notified the short-story authors and some of the Teachers, and with just those few contacts, the book rose high on Amazon's best sellers list.  On November 30th it ranked like this:

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #53,912 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Please buy as many copies as you can in the next day, or so, to push it even higher. Ozden tells me that the Turks can order the book from America's Also I hope everyone reading this will write a book review on Amazon after reading some of the wonderful stories. If you are one of the newly published authors in the book, I especially want you to write a review as soon as possible!

Here's the blurb from the back cover telling you more about the book:

"When Angels Make House Calls is a feel-good collection of short stories, both fictional and non-fictional, that illustrate miracles still happen in this day and age. These stories are the winning entries from the 2017 Seraphic Prize short story competition. These authors, mainly first-timers, felt inspired to record their personal accounts of being touched by angels and share their experiences with the world. Some stories detail miraculous healings, others are about finding one's real purpose in life. Some tell of astonishing communication with companion animals, others offer inspiration in dealing with the hurtful loss of loved ones. A few stories explore unusual realms while deep in meditation, but mainly, each and every kindhearted story will fill you with hope, warmth and optimism. Enjoy."

Note the details of the next Seraphic Prize 2020 contest are below, and authors who are published in the current edition may submit new short stories for the next volume. The contest is now officially open.

News about the 2020 Japan Festival

At our annual board meeting the six board members discussed the next Seraphim Blueprint Festival in Japan and how we might arrange some tours around the one or two-day Festival. We are now thinking of having a couple of longer tours before the actual Festival, and a shorter tour, just after the Festival. Tom Rigler wishes to take people on a temple tour of Kyoto and Nara. I wish to take people to the Japan Seaside, a more rural, traditional countryside with a stay at a ryokan (Japanese inn with outdoor hot water tubs). We already have about 16 individuals and groups from outside of Japan who want to attend, and/or go on tours. If you haven't filled out the survey yet, please do so now, or as soon as you feel it's appropriate. Momiji

Survey for 2020 Seraphim Blueprint Festival in Japan 

And do watch the Golden Retriever dancing the cha-cha below. Truly the dog is almost human in its ability to mirror its human dance partner.

Have a Warm

Wonderful Winter!

Ruth Rendely, Chairperson

More Experiences from Burcin's Attunement

       Since not all 240 Teachers and students who have received the recent Level IV upgrades have chosen to get the final third part of the EMF protection initiations, we wish to remind you that Burcin and Ozden are still available for semi-private, or private sessions to complete the upgrade. This third part will be incorporated into the regular Blueprint courses by the summer of 2020. Burcin is making it available sooner via private small-group sessions. If you qualify for this third part, having received the other parts, and wish to receive it, please e-mail Ozden Oke to arrange a session--ozden_oke at

The following two testimonials are from Seraphim Blueprint Teachers who received this third part.Tom Rigler had the following to say about the final attunement:

"As I received the attunement, I first saw a very deep, dark yellow and brilliant, rich burgundy color. The colors began to swirl around me and began to create the petals of the Flower-of-Life. As the Flower-of-Life formed, I felt it move into my heart, and began to feel some pressure there. It feels similar to an energy from the Seraphic Light course, a very deep feeling of love. The energy continued moving through me, and I began to see the toroidal shape. It appears to be moving things into another dimension where it won’t hurt us, and it’s okay for that energy to be present in that dimension. I had been ill for a month or so before this attunement, and it felt as if the dark parts inside me, the things that were making me ill, were being pulled out through this toroidal shape and released. This attunement is not only about protection, but also has a strong healing component to it."  (Tom is  teaching the Seraphic Light course to students inTurkey this coming Wednesday, December 5th. Contact Ozden Oke, his translator, if you are interested in taking this course)

Lucy Finch's experience with the final attunement:

"Working with the new energy deepening the Level IV experience is great and timely. As people look into the quantum makeup of a human being, they have discovered there has been damage to our DNA resulting from many toxic sources. What a gift to have the message from our Seraph that we can take care of that with a Quantum DNA upgrade. As I received the initiation, I felt it working from deep within me, moving outward with a perfect power and force like a brisk sweep of a broom. Each little DNA segment with its own purpose was shaking and refreshing itself as if magnetically shielded. I loved it and felt so alive. Moving into the Radiation Protection it was as if every little part of my body had a magnetic link to itself that made sure there were no missing pieces to my hologram. Millions of little quantum parts had their own shield. The whole experience was of a spirit-driven force arising from deep within protecting me from external forces. I liked it because rather that being protected from the outside and staying within my little bubble, sphere, or aura, I was strong and protected from within and able to freely go out into the world and be myself, full of love to share and give to others."

Note: Teacher-Training applicants please reply to this e-mail.

If you, or someone you know, wishes to become a Teacher of the Seraphim Blueprint please request an application. While there are no courses scheduled, as soon as Ruth has three approved candidates she will pick dates for the next course.

Dancing Dog Video
Dancing Dog


Announcing the 2020 Short Story Seraphic Prize

In the autumn of 2020, the second Seraphic Prize will be awarded to members of the general public who compose the best spiritual short story (fictional account), or non-fiction account, with the optional mention of angels, or Seraphim. Seraphim Alliance will then publish a collection of up to fifteen stories in a volume to be published in 2021.

Individual entries are limited to 3,333 words, which is a little more than thirteen pages, of 250 words per page.

  • Seraphic Prize Awards are announced at the Triennial Seraphim Blueprint Festivals. The 2020 Seraphic Prize will be awarded at the Tokyo Festival to be held in the autumn of that year.
  • First prize is $1,000, plus publication
  • Second prize is $500, plus publication
  • Third-place prize is to be shared by thirteen authors whose work will appear in the volume to be published in 2021.
  • Prize will be awarded on the final day of the Tokyo Festival
  • All entries must be received by midnight May 30th, 2020.


Seraphim Blueprint Aromatherapy


Seraph Space Cleanse

- This cleanse carries a personal Angel into the room when it is used for the first time, and anchors an Angelic vibration and consciousness there.

- May be used as a cleanse prior to installing a Level I Seraphim Energy Grid, or to refresh and enhance previously installed ones

- Perfect for rooms where you sleep, meditate or hold healing sessions, or to create a positive environment for conducting business.

The Seraph created the formula for both cleanses to provide another way we can connect with the Seraphim Blueprint energies. One is to uplift our auras, and the other is to maintain an angelic presence in our personal space, home and office. With just a couple of sprays you will feel a gentle lift and purification.

Seraura Aroma Cleanse

- A personal spray to be used around the body, or just the head and shoulder areas.

- The energized water vapor attracts the presence of Angelic beings and spirit guides.

- Supports, clears and protects the auric field.

- Relieves stress instantly, and opens the doorway to a blissful sensation

- A way to cool off and refresh oneself

North American orders can be placed with Cynthia K. Weatherbie at:

Order Page

Seraphim Blueprint Courses


  • Seraphim Healing
  • Seraphim Sacred Geometry
  • Seraphim Manifestation
  • Seraphim Cosmic Splendor
  • Seraphim Planetary Healing
  • Seraphim Grace & Union


  • Seraphic Tour of the Solar System
  • Seraphic Tour of the Galaxy
  • Seraphim Healing Advanced
  • Guardians of Gaia
  • Co-Creation with Gaia
  • Seraphim Blueprint Fusion
  • Seraphic Light
  • Seraphim Aqua Dynamics
  • Divine Biosphere
  • Seraphim Blueprint Teacher-Training