Dear {*{{{request.stUser.firstName}}~*~}*}
NOTE: I apologize if this is the second copy of the same e-mail that you received a few days ago. I failed to send that out to 1,000 Seraphim Blueprint students and am using a different correct that this morning.
Some of you contacted me during Hurricane Florence because I live in North Carolina and there is still a lot of flooding in the eastern part of the state. We are however, about a six-hour drive from the coast, and if I hadn't known the news about the hurricane, I would have thought it was just a normal rainy day, with no wind. Several of you however, were praying and doing other kind things to keep the hurricane damage minimal in this area. I must say you did a great job, as it could have been a lot worse for the whole East Coast, not just here.
Even though the next Seraphim Blueprint Festival is still two years away, it is not too soon to start thinking about whether you wish to attend, and how long you might want to stay in Japan. The Festival is tentatively scheduled for the autumn, when Japanese Maple trees will be a brilliant red and the weather is great. I plan to stay either three weeks to a month, as Japan is one of my former homes, and traveling that far I want to make the most of it. The Japanese Teachers are thinking about renting a facility near Mt. Fuji. Here is a photo of one hotel that they are considering. Miho Ohira, the National Leader, has already done quite a bit of research on what we can do there. Both Alex Brandin and I are quite familiar with the area near Tokyo, as I have lived in Japan for eight years, and in Tokyo for five, and he has taught Seraphim Blueprint courses there on multiple occasions and climbed Mt. Fuji several times.
If you already know that you intend to come to Japan for this event, please fill out the following survey to give us some idea of how many will be attending from overseas. If you are in Japan and need to travel some distance to the Festival, and intend to stay in a hotel with the overseas group, please also fill out the survey. Otherwise, we mainly need to know about international participation.
Survey for 2020 Seraphim Blueprint Festival in Japan
I have some good news for the Teachers reading this. I am getting proficient working with some basic html computer code, and am in the process of fleshing out the Teachers' data with city locations at the moment. Most of the Americans are now done, and I will get to the Turks next.
Have a wonderful autumn
Ruth Rendely, Chairperson
News about the Level IV Energy Upgrades
Almost all Teachers and several hundred students a few months ago attended teleconferences for the Level IV upgrades. Burcin Or, from Ankara Turkey shared the new initiations with us on the call. Although two of these initiations were included, Burcin is giving out a third, longer initiation to those who want a stronger protection against electro-magnetic smog. This third part will be incorporated into the regular Blueprint courses by the summer of 2020. Burcin is making it available sooner via private small-group sessions. It is up to you if you want it sooner. If you qualify for this third part, having received the other parts, and wish to receive it at this time, please e-mail Ozden Oke to arrange a session--ozden_oke at
The following two testimonials are from students who received this third part, and also happen to have been exposed to the two major nuclear plant meltdowns of our lifetimes.
Dear Ozden and Burcin,
Thank you so much for amazing session, your commitment and patience with us. I want to share with you that as a young teenager I lived through the time of the Charnobyl nuclear explosion. The first two upgrades were amazing but Seraphim Quantum Spheres started regeneration of my cells. The damage was hidden so deeply that I had no idea it existed. I'm a devoted Reiki practitioner for the last 18 years and today I've learned that thanks to that practice I'm not sick, but with the new energy I can recover and restore every cell. And that's why I felt [the energy] so strongly in my kidneys, stomach, lungs and heart.
I feel overwhelmedwith gratitude to the Seraph for giving us such an amazing gift and for choosing you to share it with the world.
Thank you, Thank you. Thank you.
With love and light,
Dear Ruth,
I came back from my trip now. I went to Iwate and Fukushima. Iwate is the hometown of my father, and Fukushima is the hometown of my grandfather.The expressway passes through Fukushima's radiation warning area. I just think that the energy of this level 4 update works. My husband said that the stiff shoulders had disappeared when entering that area. He believes that radiation with low doses will give good results to the body. (For example, radium hot springs). But when I entered that area I used the "Quantum Shield". I think that the Quantum Shield worked in protecting me in this case.
Miho Ohira, Yokohama, Japan
Alex Brandin is returning to Germany and Turkey in a few weeks,and making his first trip to Cyprus. One of the highlights of this trip will be the world premier of the new course "Co-Creation with Gaia". The prerequisites for this course are as follows: You need to have completed "Guardians of Gaia" with at least a three-six month practice period following the course. You need to have completed "Seraphim Grace & Union" Level VI, and "Seraphim Blueprint Fusion". In addition you need to have a strong desire to actively contribute to be a mediator between Humanity and Gaia, and commit to following a weekly activation protocol.
Here is a surprising tidbit from the new course notes:
"Access to the Universal Library of Holographic Templates:
There are holographic blueprints, or templates, for all forms of life – physical and non-physical. Having access to these templates will enable us as Guardians to more effectively offer healing sessions to all types of beings through a holographic repair of their blueprints.
Note the explicit inclusion of spirit entities. Not only earthbound human spirits may need healings, but also, devas, fairies, angels, and even archangels may need healing. Our human consciousness, in its full capacity, has the potential to exceed angelic consciousness. Not all angels are at the highest level of awareness. They may appreciate and gratefully accept these types of healings."
Alex's Schedule:
Sat 10/6 & Sun 10/7 Guardians of Gaia
Sunday, 10/7, 16:30 - 20:30 pm World Premier: Co-Creation with Gaia
Mon 10/8 Teacher Training Level 1
Sat 10/13 Afternoon social gathering for Alex's students from previous years & the Seraphic special event he first offered in Antalya, Turkey--A healing session for our relationships with our mothers, using a variety of Seraphim Blueprint energies
Fri 10/19 Seraphic Healing to Dissolve Fears and Strengthen Trust
Special healing event where Alex will use a variety of Seraphim Blueprint activatable energies.This event has no initiations, or activations; it is just a one-time healing program lasting about two hours.
Sat 10/20 & Sun 10/21 Seraphim Aqua Dynanics
News about the Seraphic Prize Short Story Book
Thanks to those who answered the online survey for our publishing imprint. One suggestion was "Seraphim Alliance", and that is the name we have chosen. The edited copy of the book is now with the publisher, and we aim to have the book published around November 12th. If you wish to order copies before Christmas, start checking the Amazon site around then. There are fourteen short stories and one long poem included in the book, and it promises to be a really wonderful addition to our culture and history. Here are its table of contents:
Table of Contents
The Dream Gardener
A Simple Person
My Mother’s Reincarnation
The Wings of Change
A Typical Morning
Emine’s Story
My Journey to the Seraphim
Noah’s Diary Entry
The Saint Within my Heart
Wake Up!
Good Grief
My Day as Rama
A Thousand Years
The Rainbow Bridge Crossing
Seraphim Blueprint Aromatherapy
Seraph Space Cleanse
- This cleanse carries a personal Angel into the room when it is used for the first time, and anchors an Angelic vibration and consciousness there.
- May be used as a cleanse prior to installing a Level I Seraphim Energy Grid, or to refresh and enhance previously installed ones
- Perfect for rooms where you sleep, meditate or hold healing sessions, or to create a positive environment for conducting business.
The Seraph created the formula for both cleanses to provide another way we can connect with the Seraphim Blueprint energies. One is to uplift our auras, and the other is to maintain an angelic presence in our personal space, home and office. With just a couple of sprays you will feel a gentle lift and purification.
Seraura Aroma Cleanse
- A personal spray to be used around the body, or just the head and shoulder areas.
- The energized water vapor attracts the presence of Angelic beings and spirit guides.
- Supports, clears and protects the auric field.
- Relieves stress instantly, and opens the doorway to a blissful sensation
- A way to cool off and refresh oneself
Orders can be placed with Cynthia K. Weatherbie at:
Order Page