Dear {*{{{request.stUser.firstName}}~*~}*}
What a year this has been! We had such a wonderful Las Vegas Festival last May, which still retains a joyous afterglow, even with the terrible events that occurred there later. Our aim in this work is to help the individual thrive in an increasingly complex world.
Reviewing the year, one of the most fun things for me was the Seraphic Prize short-story contest. This past autumn Angela Mailander edited all 14 successful entries and I am hoping to have the collection published in the spring, but you will see from my travel plans below that I will be stretched doing that too. Besides traveling to San Francisco two weeks from now, I will be flying to my other home in Australia, arriving in Sydney on January 11th. I am hoping to meet up with some of my old friends there, as well as students for a real reunion, after five years absence. Those in the San Francisco Bay Area who want to meet me while I am there, please call Alex, as he is back from Japan now and hopes to organize something for us.
We are on the cusp of a really big breakthrough in the United Kingdom because of our first Teacher there--Sharon Giraud. See special story about that below. If you have English friends be sure to tell them that the Serapim Blueprint is now available in England and direct them to Sharon's profile on the Seraphim Blueprint website.
Just now I was searching on iTunes for an interview I did on Michael Kutzin's radio show, but found this instead: A review of my Seraphim Blueprint Book by Margaret Bryant. The podcast has a long musical introduction, but if you wait a few minutes, Margaret will then talk about my book from her perspective.
Happy Holidays!
Ruth Rendely, Chairperson
Sharon Giraud Launches Seraphim Blueprint in UK
Although Ruth visited England in 1997 when the Seraphim Blueprint was in its infancy, for some reason we have had almost no students in the United Kingdom. This is all about to change with our first Teacher located in London. Sharon Giraud just resigned from her position as assistant headmaster of a London high school in order to devote full-time to spiritual pursuits, including teaching all six levels of the Seraphim Blueprint. As our first Teacher in the UK, she will be speaking on Friday, February 16th at 5 pm at The Best You Expo in London Olympia. She will also have our first Seraphim Blueprint booth in England at this Expo on that day. So if you know people in the UK, please tell them to stop by the Expo.
Then the following month Ruth is coming to London to continue this launch for the conscious and the curious!
Ruth will be presenting introductory talks with a taste of the energies at two venues in London: at the Atlantis Bookshop on Thursday 15 March at 6 pm, and at Watkins Bookstore on Friday 23rd March, also from 6pm. The latter will be videotaped for the Watkins Bookstore's website. These bookstores are two of the most prestigious spiritual bookstores in the UK!
Then at the Lightcentre Belgravia on Saturday 17 March from 10 am, Ruth will facilitate a full-day Level 1 workshop of Seraphim Blueprint energies with complete energy transmissions; to be repeated at The Chalice Well's Centre, Glastonbury, at 10 am on Tuesday 20 March--the Spring Equinox! How this possibility remained open at the time of this printing is a miracle in itself, considering that Glastonbury is the spiritual heart of England. This will be followed by an afternoon inner development workshop at 2 pm in the ‘Shekinashram’ in Dod Lane Glastonbury, Somerset.
Workshops are ticket-only events, so please book your tickets on Eventbrite – Seraphim Blueprint UK events. The introductory talks are not ticketed events, but spaces are limited, so we advise you to arrive early to secure a seat.
Twitter #SeraphimBlueprintUK
Visit our Facebook Group: SeraphimBlueprintUK
Instagram: SeraphimBlueprintUK
The Atlantis Bookshop, 49A Museum St, Bloomsbury, London, WC1A, 1LY - 0207-405-2110
The Lightcentre Belgravia, 7-9 Ecclestone St, SW1W 9LX - 0207-881-0728
Watkins Bookstore, 19-21 Cecil Ct, London, WC2N 4EZ – 0207-836-2182
The Chalice Well Trust, 85-89 Chikwell St, Glastonbury BA6 8DD - 01458 831154
The Shekinashram, Dod Lane, Glastonbury BA6 8BZ – 01458 832300