Dear {*{{{request.stUser.firstName}}~*~}*}
We are still recovering from a whirlwind trip to Japan, via Toronto. Everything went off without a hitch, and it felt completely supported by unknown forces. To start Daphne Kozaris, our Canadian Teacher, hosted a small get-together in her lake-side condo for Ron and I, along with all her students that could make it. I was grateful that we didn't land in a heavy snowstorm, nor did we have any trouble the next day leaving on our flight to Japan.
Once in Japan, our hosts, Masamitsu and Mitsue Matsudate, treated us to the full Japanese experience, a first for my husband, We were gifted with their first floor apartment for our three week stay in their home near Tokyo. We were pampered with Japanese food on many occasions, and this had the desired effect of giving my husband's first visit to Japan a great beginning. Then we kept seeing Mt. Fuji from nearby and then in all its glory when the Matsudates took us on a 360 degree tour of Fuji-san on a pristine clear day. Thus the photo above was taken with Ron's camera.
What became crystal clear within a week of staying in Japan is that the Seraphim Blueprint has been recently blessed with the extraordinary organizational skills of one of the 2012 batch of new Teachers, a young mother named Miho Ohira. Miho singlehandedly arranged all the details of our December trip.
Miho had met her husband through another Japanese Seraphim Blueprint Teacher -- Aila Hatsumiya-- and they are now the proud parents of two beautiful children. Here she is with Masami, their little girl:
So with the Seraph's blessing, Miho Ohira has agreed to becoming the National Leader of the Seraphim Blueprint in Japan! This is a first in the world, as the Seraph has not chosen any other national leaders to date. I do not anticipate the need for other national leaders yet, but Japan really needed a go-to person, and I am thrilled that Miho so humbly fills the bill.
Here is another photo of Miho, dressed as a Lady of the Imperial Cour Her image reminds me of the Tales of Genji. Murasaki Shikibu's thousand-year-old novel about the lives of Imperial Court officials. That book is one of my favorite all-time reads.
Happy New Year!
Ruth Rendely, Chairperson
Exploring Opportunities for Introducing the Seraphim Blueprint in Spanish
We invite all teachers and students who are either Spanish-speakers or have connections in the Spanish-speaking world and wish to contribute to brain-storming & volunteer their expertise for topics like:
- Finding the optimal voice for the translation of course notes and promotional material
- Test-reading and providing feed-back of the new translated material
- Exploring options to get the Seraphim Blueprint book published in Spanish
- Opportunities to better introduce the Seraphim Blueprint to the Spanish speaking population in the U.S. or into Spanish-speaking countries
- Networking within the Spanish-speaking spiritual community in the U.S., as well as abroad
Everyone who wishes to be part of this team please contact Alex Brandin at
Upcoming Advanced
Courses in America
- Seraphim Blueprint Fusion with Alex, January 1st & 2nd
- Guardians of Gaia with Brenda Calvin Jan. 9th & 10th
- Seraphic Light with Tom Rigler January 16th & 23rd
- Seraphim Fusion with Brenda February 7th
- Seraphic Tour of the Solar System with Brenda, March 5th & 6th
Brenda's e-mail is Brenda at
Alex Brandin's e-mail is Alex at
Tom Rigler's e-mail is Tom at
with the
Someone in England contacted Ruth a few weeks ago with a story similar to others she has heard this past year:
"Dear Friend, Tonight I had the most sublime experience. I was in my bedroom preparing for sleep, when I was suddenly aware of wings wrapping around my tiny room; I couldn't see them; I just sensed them. There was then the most incredible silver light just glowing, but without beginning or end. I have been ill for some time, and for the first time in years I could feel no pain, my entire body was comfortable, and I felt so blissful. This went on for what seemed a beautifully long time, and then I heard a soft calling of the word "Seraphim, Seraphim, Seraphim".
Without exercising an end to this, it was suddenly over, but still feels as if it is within me. I searched the name 'seraphim' as though it felt familiar, I couldn't place it. It was then that I found your website, I don't think that was an accident.
Where should I go from here?
All my love Ellie"
And then from Istanbul this past November, one of the students there reported the following:
"I wanted to give you very exciting news about one of my patients that I apply Seraphim healing energies to.
He had 4th stage brain cancer, and the doctors had given him a 10 percent chance of survival. I applied a very brief but intense session using the Level 6 Divine Wonder initiation, (mixed with Jesus and Raphael channelling) and the doctors are amazed how his MRI showed him to be recovering :)"
And then in a following e-mail:
"The Level 6 energy is indeed creating miracles, and me and his family are so excited that I wanted to report this to you. My heart beats very fast, I hope he will recover fully and I will report more and more miracles to you :)
Warm regards from Istanbul,
Selin Bolu"
Selin a few days later wrote:
"I am using the Divine Miracle [Wonder] only -- I haven't used any other energies on other people yet.
It is different in all sessions. I start all my sessions with Divine Miracle, but as soon as I start my other angelic connections and ascended masters start working around the person as well, so I'm out of control there.
In my experience in all sessions, the Sixth Level energy becomes a base which turns the area of disease into a neutral space, like the first clearing.
It stops the crisis there, gets rid of the negative energies surrounding the situation, and paves the way for other energies to work.
After this case, more people with cancer, or serious health conditions, have started to find me randomly.
As I also lost my mother because of cancer years ago, I've been told that this is part of my mission and I work with anyone who has this deadly disease free of charge. This special energy has become a very close friend in my journey :)
Selin Bolu"
Seraphim Blueprint Courses
Seraphim Healing
Seraphim Sacred Geometry
Seraphim Manifestation
Seraphim Cosmic Splendor
Seraphim Planetary Healing
Seraphim Grace & Union
Seraphic Tour of the Solar System
Seraphic Tour of the Galaxy
Seraphim Healing Advanced
Guardians of Gaia
Seraphim Blueprint Fusion
Seraphim Blueprint Teacher Training