Eugene Nau |
Seraphim Blueprint  


Eugene Nau

Eugene Nau

Country: United States of America
City: Cheyenne, WY
Time Zone: (GMT -7:00) Mountain Time, USA
Authorized to Teach: Seraphim Blueprint Levels I to VI, SeraMed, Mother Divine Protective Protocol, Seraphim Aqua Dynamics, Seraphim Healing Advanced, Seraphim Fusion, Seraphic Light.

Looking back over my life, it would appear to someone from the outside that I had been living two completely different lives, running in parallel, one involving Science and the other Spiritual Development.

Science Journey. I have always been interested in science, especially biology, even as a little kid. My interest led me to seek a career in science. After getting a PhD in biology, I became a research scientist at a university and loved every minute of it. Years later, I was the director of immunology for a biotech company. Following this stint, I yearned to get back in academia and took a position as an assistant professor at a university, teaching courses in biology. Over the years, I developed a keen understanding of biological systems. In the academic setting, I also was able to develop and refine my teaching skills. I have found that teaching gives my life purpose and meaning.

Spiritual Journey. At the age of 18, I was in a horrific motorcycle accident, in which I broke my back, crushed my chest, shoulder, and hip. I was lucky to have survived. Years later, because of the accident, I had developed a condition of scoliosis in my spine and sought alternate forms of healing to relieve my pain. I was first drawn to Reiki and became a Reiki Master/Teacher. Later, I learned Integrative Energy Therapy (IET) and shortly afterwards became an IET Master/Teacher. IET uses energy from Angels in healing you or your clients. Next, after watching a YouTube presentation by Ruth Rendely, I was drawn to learn Seraphim Blueprint and had such wonderful experiences that I knew I had to become a Seraphim Blueprint teacher. I have found that the best way to deeply learn something is to teach it.

Merging of Journeys. It has taken me my whole life to realize that my seemingly different paths were actually just one path, a journey seeking Truth. All of us have the inherent desire to expand our consciousness more and more and to perfect ourselves more and more. Ultimately, this is why we all seek Truth about everything. It doesn’t matter whether you are studying Science or Spirituality, if you look deep enough into either, you will discover that they are essentially saying the same thing, but using different languages. At the deepest core of existence, Science and Spirituality merge into one.

When I teach a class in Seraphim Blueprint, whenever possible, I use information I’ve learned from science to augment my understanding of this healing modality, and in doing so, it gives my students a blend of science and spirituality for a more holistic understanding. 

“In my humble opinion, the Seraphim Blueprint is one of the most important spiritual practices that you can undertake.  Its unique set of Seraphim energies was created specifically for mankind and provides us with the spiritual tools needed for today, as well as, the After Times.”

Take advantage of the opportunity given here for learning the Seraphim Blueprint. I invite you to join me on a spiritual journey of experiencing this cosmology of Seraphim energies first hand from one of the original Seraphim Angels who created them.

Contact information:  Email: Website: or Secret Phone: +1 (720) 502-0799.

Upcoming Classes

With Eugene Nau
Date and Time:
Sat, Oct 19, 2024 - Sun, Oct 20, 2024
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM United States / Mountain
Zoom Conference  / Telephone

This level gives us tools to communicate with non-physical beings and through their partnership can help us navigate these extraordinary times. This energy brings humanity into balance with Nature. Other initiations include enhancement of our ability to communicate with Angelic Beings, as well as, harmonizing our interaction with elementals and vibratory beings. The class being offered here will be taught as a two-day spiritual journey, allow 4 hours each day.

With Eugene Nau
Date and Time:
Sat, Oct 26, 2024 - Sun, Oct 27, 2024
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM United States / Mountain
Zoom Conference  / Telephone

This Level is all about becoming a realized spiritual Being.  Once we have cleared out the heavier dross that we have accumulated over lifetimes, we begin to feel a real need to absorb beauty in our environment, and feel closer to Divine Source. The energies of Level VI facilitate that process. The class being offered here will be taught as a two-day spiritual journey, allow 4 hours each day.

With Eugene Nau
Date and Time:
Sat, Nov 2, 2024 - Sun, Nov 3, 2024
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM United States / Mountain
Zoom Conference  / Telephone

This course builds upon Seraphim Blueprint Level I - Seraphim Healing.  We receive expanded opening upgrades for deeper access to SB Level I healing energies, as well as, new and unique energies that greatly enhance and strengthen our healing abilities.  For anyone who could use the most advanced and powerful healing energies available today, this is a must-have course.  The class being offered here will be taught as a two-day energy workshop, allow 3.5 hours each day.

With Eugene Nau
Date and Time:
Sat, Nov 9, 2024 - Sun, Nov 10, 2024
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM United States / Mountain
Zoom Conference  / Telephone

This course is all about water and how to create an empowered water environment in the body that supports and maintains perfect health. We receive and learn how to use a new healing energy spectrum created by the Seraph that directly modifies water in the body in order to make it more receptive to healing energy. Healing becomes faster and lasts much longer. We explore many topics about the healing dynamics of water. In this course, you will receive two very special healing treatments administered directly by the Seraph. Having a clean and healthy body enhances one’s spiritual experiences. This course is taught as a two-day energy workshop, allow 5 hours each day.

With Eugene Nau
Date and Time:
Mon, Nov 11, 2024 - Mon, Nov 18, 2024
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM United States / Mountain
Zoom Conference  / Telephone

This course uses the highest frequency of Seraphim energies that have ever been brought to Earth.  With the help of the Seraph, he will show us how to harvest and utilize these unique Seraphic energies for healing ourselves and others.  This course is taught as a two-part Spiritual Journey and meets on two Mondays, allow 4 hours each day.  The course requires a one-week integration period between Parts One and Two.

With Eugene Nau
Date and Time:
Sat, Nov 16, 2024
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM United States / Mountain
Zoom Conference  / Telephone

The Seraphim Fusion Series gives us a quantum boost in our spiritual evolution.  Here, in Part 1 - Expansion, we receive expanded opening upgrades for all eleven Seraphim Blueprint energies.  Following this workshop, most people enjoy enhanced spiritual experiences with their Seraphim Blueprint energies. To maximize our spiritual evolution, the Seraph recommends retaking the complete Seraphim Fusion Series at least once a year.

With Eugene Nau
Date and Time:
Sun, Nov 17, 2024
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM United States / Mountain
Zoom Conference  / Telephone

The Seraphim Fusion Series gives us a quantum boost in our spiritual evolution.  Here, in Part 2 - SuperFusion, we receive super-fusion energy packages of our choice that the Seraph creates for us  This energy workshop is meant to expand the capacity and flexibility of our personal Blueprint for accelerated spiritual growth. To maximize our spiritual evolution, the Seraph recommends retaking the complete Seraphim Fusion Series at least once a year.

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